Streamlined Cloud Migration Services

Boost agility by moving your apps to the AWS cloud seamlessly.

Transform digitally through Cloud Migration

Make use of our cloud migration services and solutions to cut costs and reach a larger scale. Our extensive industry knowledge of cloud migration has aided clients in planning and implementing a smooth transition of their apps to the cloud, freeing up resources by reducing IT expenses and enhancing efficiency, operational resilience, and business agility. We have created a strong migration framework to speed up and simplify cloud migration, based on our track record of success in helping customers migrate complicated workloads.


Cloud Migration Services and Solutions

CloudApter offers expert cloud migration services and solutions, ensuring seamless transitions tailored to your business needs, enhancing agility and security for your digital transformation.

Advisory Services

Application assessment Cloud readiness

Lift & Shift

VM and data migration Leverage Cloud Infra services AWS Application Migration Service, AWS DMS


Leverage cloud PaaS services Manage Database AWS RDS, AWS


Changing existing codebase App Modernization Decoupling Application AWS Migration Hub

Rebuild & Replace

Rewrite & Revamp application SaaS-ification Serverless / Containerisation AWS Fargate, AWS EKS, AWS Lambda

Why Should Enterprises Choose Cloud Migration?

Understanding your current infrastructure, application architecture, and cloud readiness is crucial for a successful cloud migration. Whether you need a lift-and-shift migration or a re-architecting of your applications for better scalability, our cloud migration services are tailored to your specific needs. Our certified experts plan, design, and execute the entire migration process to ensure a better ROI and seamless cloud transformation.

If you’re considering cloud migration and don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. Our solution architects will assess your requirements and guide you through your cloud journey.

Our Approach to Cloud Migration


Why Choose CloudApter as your Cloud Migration Solution Provider?

For the benefit of your company, our team of highly qualified experts ensures that your current IT infrastructure is thoroughly reviewed and makes recommendations that simplify cloud migration and deployment.

Understanding of Application & Infrastructure

We guarantee a comprehensive evaluation of every one of our clients needs concerning the domain and tech applications. We first identify the problems, after which we recommend a fix and advise you on whether or not to shift to the cloud.

Experience in handling multiple complex migrations

There are many obstacles associated with multiple cloud migrations, therefore you need professionals like us who are qualified to handle large-scale mass migration projects and can help you select the cloud services that best fit your unique requirements.

Certified Solution Architects

Since each of our cloud architects has earned an AWS certification, they are qualified to develop a cloud strategy for your company that will guarantee a smooth and affordable cloud migration.

We produce success stories that originate with cloud computing.

CloadApter is a cloud consulting firm specializing in digital transformation, helping businesses leverage cloud technology for enhanced scalability, security, and performance. Our solutions ensure a seamless cloud experience across all workloads.
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